Download Tesis Kesehatan Masyarakat-Hubungan Pelayanan Antenatal dengan BBLR

Hubungan Pelayanan Antenatal oleh Bidan Dengan Kejadian BBLR
The study aimed at inverstigating and proving the relationship between focused Antenatal Care (ANC) services assisted by midwives and the incidence of low birth weight (LBW). The proposed hypothesis was lower than that prosposed hypothesis that the mendence of LBW of the freused NAC was lower that they not focused ANC. The subjects were 126 delivering mothers assisted by midwives, consisting of 63 mother delivering babies with approvider birth weight and 63 mothers delivering babies with low birth weight after homogenity in maternal age was performed. Data were collected through questionnaire for the scale (measurement tool) of focused antenatal services. Statistics methods used were univariat, bivariat, multivariat analysis. In this study showed that the mendence of LBW of the mother who had freucused ANC was lower of than that had focused NAC, but the statistically not different LP = 0,82; OR = 1,094; the nutrition LP = 0,010; OR = 4,29; and parity P = 0,032; OR - 2,28 avere risk factors of LBW

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