Hubungan Kualitas Pelayanan Antenatal Terhadap Kejadian BBLR Di Kabupaten Purworejo
In the distric of Purworejo, the low birth weight tends to increase in four years later. The study was to find out the relationship between quality of an antenatal care services and low birth weight in three Health Centers of Kutoarjo I, Kutoarjo II, Butuh I, Butuh II and Bayan in
Purworejo District. An observasional study with retrospective design was done by comparing infants with low birth weight and infant with normal birth weight. The data was analyzed using quantitative methods. Univariabel analysis was used to describe the main variabel by distribution frequency. Bivariable analysis was done to examine the relationship between the dependent and independent variabel using chi-square test. The objective of the study was tested using logistic regression analysis by adjusting the counfounding variabel. It was revealed that the case of low birth weight accured 6,4%. The low quality of antenatal care service increase the risk of low birth with OR = 2,031 (95% CI: 1,00-4,14). After adjusting the other variable increasing risk of low birth weight (p>0,05). It was concluded that the low quality of antenatal care service could increase the case of low birth weight.
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